Pursuant to CCR 9767.3 (c) (4), - Physicians are NOT authorized to provide treatment at any location other than the location listed in this network listing.
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To Nominate a Provider: Click Here. To Report Inaccuracies in provider data: Click Here, email ProviderUpdate04@snp-plus.com, or call 562.546.0035. |

The contact information for the Medical Access Assistant is: | The MPN Contact for your MPN is: | |
Toll Free Telephone Number: (877) 210-2630 | Name: Signature Networks PLUS. | |
Fax Number: (615) 329-4751 | Telephone Number: (866) 222-5378 | |
Email Address: PRIMEmaa@primehealthservices.com |
To obtain a copy of any required MPN notifications, please call (866) 222-5378